Chai hu gui zhi gan jiang Tang

bai he 15 sheng di huang 12

also know aschai hu jiang gui tang chai hu 24 gui zhi 9 gan jiang 6 huang qin 9 tian hua fen 12 mu li 6 zhi gan cao 6

When cold damage has lasted five or six days, and sweating has been promoted and then precipitation has been used and there is fullness in chest and rib side and mild bind, inhibited urination, thirst without retching, sweating only from the head, alternating cold and heat and heart vexation, it means that the disease has not yet resolved, chai hua gui zhi gan jiang tang governs.

Chai hu jiang gui tang treats malaria with mostly cold, and mild heat, or only cold and not heat.

This formula harmonizes shao yang, warms and transforms water rheum. The rheum causes a mild chest bind and pain on the rib sides. Yang qi has been weakened and now all three yang levels are affected.

Chai hu, Bupleuri radix is bitter draining of damp and heat in the liver, gall bladder and san jiao. It is pungent and aromatic dispersing of heat in liver blood and the ministerial fire in the san jiao.

Gui zhi, Cinnamomi cassiae ramulus Gui zhi is pungent sweet and warm dispersing of the imperial and ministerial fire. It warms and tonifies the shao yin and jue yin. In doing so it warms and tonifies the whole body. Gui zhi warms and moves the imperial and ministerial fire. Gui zhi warms the tai yang level and clears the cold that has accumulated. Gui zhi warms yang and promotes the free flow of wei and ying qi.

Gan jiang, Zingiberis rhizoma, dried is warm (or hot) pungent and astringent. Gan jiang is the main herb to warm the tai yin level and treat excessive dampness by introducing yang ming dryness in tai yin dampness.

Gan jiang warms the tai yin and interior. The main herb to warm the tai yin level and treat excessive dampness by introducing yang ming dryness in tai yin dampness. It is a dry stagnant herb that warms the middle and so anchors gui zhi inward preventing excessive dispersing.

Huang qin, Scutellaria radix is bitter draining and cooling of heat in the san jiao, stomach domain, lungs, liver, gall bladder, and bladder.

In the upper burner it clears heat and toxins in the head and clears the upper burner from toxic heat. In the middle burner, it clears liver and gall bladder heat and dries dampness. In the lower burner, it clears excessive damp heat in the intestines, resolves toxins, and dries damp. Tian hua fen, Trichosanthis radix or gua lou gen is sweet, bitter and cold. It is bitter draining of congested phlegm and heat in the chest while moistening the lungs.

Tian hua fen flushes phlegm out the bowels. It also moistens fluids which prevents excessive drying from the gan jiang and gui zhi.

Mu li, Ostrea concha is salty softening of hardness in the abdomen and stomach domain. It is astringing fluids into the kidney and stomach organs.

It restores the heart and kidney connection while softening yin dampness and hardness.

Zhi gan cao, Glycyrrhizae radix prep is sweet tonifying and nourishing of all organs but especially the heart.

Zhi gan cao is sweet and mildly warm tonifying and nourishing of yin fluids. It balances the pungent gui zhi with its sweet moderation and nourishing. It nourishes yin fluids in the tai yin and shao yin. It calms wind in the jue yin.