Bai he hua shi san

bai he 3 hua shi 9

In lily bulb disease, if there is mutation into fever, bai he hua shi san governs.

Bai he, Lilii bulbusnourishes fluids while hua shi drives out the hot fluids. If the upper source of Water is dry and blood is dry we see dark hot urine because blood and fluids share the common source of blood.

Bai he is sweet tonifying, nourishing and cooling of the spleen, lungs, liver and heart. It is more nourishing than tonifiying. It nourishes lung and heart yin while mildly clearing deficiency heat.

Hua shi, Talcum is cold and sweet. It is not considered a tonifying herb. It clears excess hot fluids so function can return

It makes the water pathways slippery to promote the elimination of the turbid and sticky dampness from the bladder.

Hua shi clears heat from the fluids, treats hot and dark turbid urination. Hua shi sinks into the lower burner and opens the downward passage of fluids. It heavily pressures the pathogenic fluids downward to be expelled through urination. It makes the water pathways slippery to promote the elimination of the turbid and sticky dampness from the bladder